Saturday, May 07, 2005

Ruff and Tumble ~ Feature Article?

Seems we have a Fan of our humble organization who was impressed enough to call in the local newspaper folks to do an article in the Kansas City Star, featuring the journey of Ruff and Tumble, and what their future will hold for them with Above and Beyond!
I spoke with a reporter for quite awhile answering questions that covered our whole procedure of pulling dogs into the lifetime safety net that we provide for the rest of their natural born days! Lucky dogs!
He also spoke with Carl Nylund, a native of the Kansas City area, who also founded,
KC Rescue
Carl's Rescue Page For MUGGINS
Carl has helped us many times in the past, and he and I have met a few times along I - 35, handing off other furbabies in need of a lift.
Carl is what real rescue is all about!

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